Election 2023

Promises Made, Promises Kept For More Than 4 Years

October 29th, 2020

Since taking office, President Trump has kept his promises and has delivered record-breaking results to all Americans:

Voters have said that they felt forgotten before 2016, but since President Trump has been elected, they feel like they are thriving and will continue to do so for the next four years.

Throughout his first three years, President Trump has delivered historic tax cuts, rolled back burdensome federal regulations, unleashed America’s energy sector, and has fought for free and fair trade.

As a result of the President’s action, businesses large and small created nearly 7 million jobs, and unemployment rates for African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans hit their lowest level ever before the pandemic emerged.

In a recent Gallup poll, the majority of Americans say they find themselves better off under President Trump than they were four years ago.

Americans also said they agreed with President Trump on issues that matter the most to them rather than Joe Biden.